Sunday, December 06, 2015

Types Of Instagramers

Types Of Instagramers

Instagram - all of us know it. Most of us use it & for those who don't, still know what it is. With the growing use, (or should I say addiction?) of Instagram, I have observed a few categories of Instagram Users, commonly referred to as Instagramers. Read on to know the distinct species categorized & also to find out which category you fit into.

So here are the Ten Common Types Of Instagramers:-

1. The Best Friends - These people will like all of your pictures. Even the most weirdest horrible ones. This category is usually your best friends & they like your pictures mostly because it will be violative & unethical of your friendship if they don't.

2. The Liker- This is a person who does not fall into category 1, but will still like each of your picture diligently. Whatever you upload, he/ she will like it. Might or might even not be a friend; you people might never even be talking to  each other, but on Instagram- you are like buddies. Liking each upload of the other as if sworn by a secret agreement.

3. The Crazy Commenter- This person won't always like your picture. & comment? Whoa never! Commenting for them is strictly a no. But when they do, yes, in a blue- no, a purple blue moon, they will comment something so weird that you will be tempted to delete their comment. It will either be a complete sleazy comment, or a total negative comment or something that drops your status 10 times & would make you look like a retard. & at the end you'll just delete their comment. No comment better than such comment!

4. The Sugar Commenter- This is the total opposite of the above. This person will make it a point to comment on most of your pictures, if not all. But their comments are so typical that you can as well predict what the comment would be just by looking at the notification. Though its always a sweet, sugary diabetic comment, & you are obligated to reply back with an "Awww"; you can actually see through the comment & picture them typing "Cute" without even  actually looking at your selfie. So much for the obligation!

5. The Photo Bomber- No, not photo bomber like "photo bombing each picture". Photo bomber like "uploading more than 10 pictures on a single day". This category of Instagramers are usually inactive through the weeks or months, you would need Rottweiler
 to spot their existence on Instagram. & then one fine morning, you open your account & whoa- there are pictures of this person!!! & as you scroll & scroll & scroll more, half your feed is with pictures of this person. No stopping then!

6. The Hashtag Queens/ Kings- All pictures that these people upload will have one thousand hashtags, & I am not even kidding! They will use hash tags for every random word that pops up in their mind, right from the time of clicking the picture upto uploading it. They will go like "#I #me #myself #what #idk #udk #lights #camera #cam  #selfie #nofilter #filter #random #natural # phone #tv #fridge #meyou #youme #we #us #...........# #okbye" & you are like #ill #Findyou #& #killyou.
Also, there are these species who make it a point to upload each single picture with a philosophical quote. Like the picture would be a hot her, with makeup plus some 10 filters & the caption will read "beauty lies in simplicity". Oh hell yeah- lies!

7. Excessive Editors- These are those people who filter their pictures so much that at times you are surprised to realize that it's a female you know! That much difference. Like a bit of filtering here & there is fine. But don't filter your each picture so much that we cannot distinguish your one facial feature from the other. Or your every picture has so much filtered effect that your edited & non edited picture look like a before & after advertisement of a fairness cream!

8. Total Non-Editors aka Natural seekers- These people are so oblivious to the happenings around them that they upload any random picture just like that. I have seen girls uploading pictures of their nail paints which turn out to show off their unshaven legs too. Or guys uploading a picture where he is visibly looking so bad that even the word bad would be ashamed. I agree there is nothing wrong in looking bad, but well, you don't need to necessarily upload such pictures. Though we hate fakeness, we don't also exactly need this kind of natural-ness. 

9. The Favorites- These are the people who get likes on each of their picture- good or bad- in thousands. Like literally. Whatever the upload, however it be, there will be minimum 100 likes on their any picture at any day! Like what do you have girl? A like-pulling magnet?

10. The Obsessive Like-Seekers- These are the people who will upload each of their pictures on Instagram & then each of the same on  every other social networking sites known to mankind. Like every picture. On every social site. Like why? I agree IG has given you the facility to link your accounts, but why the same you at 10 different places. & imagine it being the case every 2 days. You ultimately get sick of that face!

11. The Genuine Ones- These are the people who are actually genuine. They will like your few uploads which they really like, or comment something sensible & natural. They wont upload one zillion pictures everyday & neither be complete zombies in existence. The genuine Instagramers- bow to you! We need more people like you!

Feel free to add  more!!! ;)


  1. LOL... loved it :-) Yet to figure which category I am in, guess I am a bit confused still... being new to Insta.. oh ya, that reminds me... are you following me there? :p
    Cheers :-)

    1. Thank you :D Glad that you liked it!
      Oh no... I'll definitely send you a request there ;)

  2. Ha ha you have made a good study.

  3. Awww! What a post, loved your humor...being on Instagram myself, i can relate to many of them! 5 and 6 are my favorites (btw, if you visit my Insta, #you #would #know #all #my #pics #are #nofilter #:)
